Funeral homily, Shaun Kirwan, RIP, 07.06.24

Renewed thanks to Elaine for delivering the eulogy on Shaun. The first word that came to mind as I read over it yesterday was: simplicity. Shaun comes across as a straightforward man, without complexes, accepting and getting on with whatever blessings, joys, challenges and sufferings life gave him. It sounds...

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Easter Homily, 30-31.03.24

“He has risen; He is not here.” These words of the angel are much more than information. They put into words the hallmark of all God’s saving ways with us. Isaac was to be sacrificed, but when Abraham’s knife eventually fell, Isaac wasn’t there. He had risen from the altar...

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Good Friday Homily, 29.03.24

Sooner or later, every human being, no matter who they are, will have to come to the Crucified Christ. As Creator and Redeemer of all, He alone is the Judge of what we each have done in our lives and of who we have become as a result. That’s true...

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Holy Thursday Homily, 28.03.24

On the day before He suffered, Jesus fulfils one thing and inaugurates another. He fulfils the Old Testament with its old meal, the Passover, its old law and its old priesthood. He inaugurates the New Testament with its new meal, the Eucharist, the new law of loving service as He...

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