Day of Prayer for Those who have Suffered Abuse, 16.02.24: Mass homily
The homily below was delivered at Mass in St. Mary’s, Largs, on 16th February 2024, at 10am, on the occasion of the annual Day of Prayer in Scotland for those who suffer from abuse in the Church. The video link to the homily is and it begins at 52:20....
Consultation of Scottish Government on “Relationships, Sexual Health & Parenting”
HOW TO RESPOND: You can read the revised document here: Delivery of relationships, sexual health and parenthood education in Scottish schools: draft guidance – ( THEN TO RESPOND ONLINE: Follow this link and complete the consultation on line using the skeleton responses in the attached WORD document. You...
GALLOWAY SAFEGUARDING STATEMENT OCTOBER 2023 Throughout the last 12 months, the Safeguarding Community in the Diocese Galloway has continued to embrace the Safeguarding Standards outlined within ‘In Gods Image v2,’ and through the activities and commitment of individuals and groups, have played an active part in ensuring that we continue...
National Safeguarding Conference 2023
NATIONAL SAFEGHUARDING CONFERENCE 2023 Please see attached flier promoting this year’s National Safeguarding Conference, which will take place at the University of Strathclyde Technology & Innovation Centre, 99 George Street, Glasgow G1 1RD on SATURDAY 18 NOVEMBER : 9.30 am until 4 pm. The Conference this year is an...
Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Abuse, 24.02.23: Homily
Our opening prayer this afternoon concludes with these words: “may the presence of your Spirit among us bring renewal and courage.” And in a few minutes, we will pray a very searching and thorough Litany of Renewal, asking the Lord Jesus for many graces of both deliverance and reform. ...
2022 Diocesan Safeguarding Statement
Our last two annual safeguarding updates have reflected on the challenges of living through COVID and though we are cautiously optimistic about our transition out of the pandemic, our society now faces new and different challenges including the war in Ukraine and the cost of living crisis. These events have...