This page is dedicated to Blessed Carlo Acutis. Here you will find some information on him; links to posts relating to him; links to where you can find books about him; events; photos; and more!

Please note that some images are of Carlo's Tomb where you can see his body through glass. Carlo would not want anyone to stay away from his page because of this so all this content is hidden by default and here is a button to toggle show/ hide it.


Carlo's bio

Carlo Acutis was born on the 3rd of May 1991 in London to Italian parents. Carlo used his excellent computer skills to start a website in which he documented Eucharistic miracles around the globe.  Despite his life only lasting 15 years he was able to achieve a high level of  Eucharistic maturity. From the age of 4, Carlo was very keen on going to Church and encouraged his own family - who were not particularly religious - to come to Church on a regular basis. He then began to encourage his fellow students to come to Church too, as well as doing incredible charitable work to help those less fortunate than himself. He was known to have fun but also to stand up to bullies at school. Carlo went to Mass daily since the age of 7 uninterrupted and recited the Rosary daily. You can read more about Carlo's life on this page or via the web pages provided at the bottom of the page.



“The Eucharist is the highway to heaven.”

Carlo Acutis



"The Virgin Mary is the only woman in my life."

Carlo Acutis




Parish pilgrimage to Assisi

8-13 February 2024. More details and booking forms can be had from the parish office (9.30am-1.30pm, Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri). For more information, contact Tim Bray on 07709 921 807 or
Please don’t leave booking your place until the last minute: come forward now!

“Continuously ask your guardian angel for help. Your guardian angel has to become your best friend.”

Carlo Acutis

Fr Peter Visits Carlo Feb 2023Please note some tweets contain images of Carlo's tomb.

Fr Peter Visits Carlo Apr 2023Please note some tweets contain images of Carlo's tomb.

“Everyone is born as originals but many die as photocopies”

Carlo Acutis



“To always be close to Jesus, that’s my life plan”

Carlo Acutis


“Not I, but God.”

Carlo Acutis


“The more Eucharist we receive, the more we will become like Jesus, so that on this earth we will have a foretaste of heaven”

Carlo Acutis


“The only thing we have to ask God in our prayers is the desire to become Saints”

Carlo Acutis


“I am happy to die because I have lived my life without wasting a minute on those things which do not please God.”

Carlo Acutis