Christmas homily, 25.12.22

The way in which the Christmas story is depicted nowadays can make it seem like a story just for children, magical even. The advent of Santa Claus as a major Christmas character reinforces that perception. What can then happen is that we adults get caught up in a kind of...

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Homily on Catholic Education, 27.11.22

Education is not just about information. Nor even just about teaching people how to think for themselves. Nor just to gain skills or qualifications for good money and good job. All these are certainly important, but Catholic education, if it is authentic, is so much more. In the light of...

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Homily for All Saints, 01.11.22

Holiness is not the leisurely pursuit of the chosen few. It is the final goal, the end-game, of the human adventure, of every human life. It is a universal, a Catholic, call and destiny. If the Beatific Vision is the destiny for which we strive; and if the content of...

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Homily on Prayer, 16.10.22

The Amalekites would have defeated Israel if Moses had not kept on praying and if those with him had not kept supporting him. Our real enemies are not flesh and blood, St. Paul tells us, but the spiritual forces of evil. We experience their power and onslaught every day. Jesus...

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