Pentecost Sunday

To confirm something is to provide reassurance that it is true. It is to strengthen its credibility and reliability. It is to dispel uncertainty or doubt. As a result, it is to make people more confident. If I confirm that the flight will arrive at 12 Noon, it means that...

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I give you three words from today’s Gospel which go together: love, obedience and joy. Of the three, we all probably like the first and the third. It is the second word which gives us problems. We all want love and we all want freedom. But we are not so...

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4th Sunday of the Year (B)

This is Vocations Sunday. I have written something in the bulletin for you on the usual theme of vocations. But here I would like to take another angle on the idea of vocation. St. John, in the second reading, draws our attention towards the future: “we are already the children...

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Easter Sunday, 2018

“Ladies and gentlemen, we got him!” These were the words of the US Administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer referring to the capture of Saddam Hussein in 2003. I suppose the words could have referred to anyone, but everyone knew who was meant, and everyone knew that those words were a...

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Good Friday, 2018

The passion and death of Jesus Christ are not even a footnote in history for those who do not acknowledge him to be anything more than a human being. To begin to grasp their significance requires faith in him and love of him. Faith makes accessible to the mind the...

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Holy Thursday

This is my body given for you. If someone said that to you out of the blue, you might well be taken aback. Leaving aside the immoral meaning the phrase might have, to give your body to someone should mean that you first love them with your deepest heart and...

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Palm Sunday, Year B

Sometimes they strew His way,And His sweet praises sing;Resounding all the dayHosannas to their King:Then “Crucify!”is all their breath,And for His deaththey thirst and cry. We began our celebration today at the front door of the church in a spirit of exultation. We literally hosanna-ed Jesus in. His entry into...

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Third Sunday of Lent, Year B

We’ve all seen it. The distracted parent on the street, trying to juggle shopping with pushing a pram whilst keeping an eye on a toddler who has recently discovered his feet. The toddler runs ahead thoughtless of any danger. Suddenly, the parent sees that the child is about to run...

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