The main colour scheme of the website is blue with the menu yellow, the Blue is representative of Our Lady and the way we perceive her. The blue cloak that Mary wears represents the Virgin’s purity, and her royal status. The red garment that Our Lady is often seen wearing signifies traits connected with motherhood, including love, passion, and devotion. The yellow on the website represents a yellow rose.

Liturgical colours throughout the year and what they represent

White – Stands for innocence, purity, joy, triumph, and glory. We see this colour during Christmas, Easter, All Saints’ Day, Feasts of the Apostles, Feasts of the Lord (other than of His passion), Feasts of Mary, the angels, and saints who were not martyrs; and nuptials. We also see it during Masses for the Dead [Requiem Masses], which happens when the deceased is a baptised child who died before the age of reason. White is the colour of the pope’s non-liturgical dress. We also like to believe that the phrase “White Christmas” stood for this colour – rather than snow, of course.

Red – This colour signifies passion, blood, fire, God’s love, and Jesus’ martyrdom. It is usually worn on the Feast of the Lord’s Passion, Blood, and Cross; Palm Sunday, Pentecost and when the Sacrament of Confirmation is performed

Green – The colour of the Holy Spirit, life, eternal, and hope, this is usually worn by the priest on Sundays of Ordinary Time.

Violet – You see this colour on Sundays of Advent and Lent; and whenever the priest performs the Sacraments of Reconciliation and of the Sick.

Rose – A priest can wear this colour optionally on Gaudete Sunday [3rd Sunday of Advent] and Laetare Sunday [4th Sunday of Lent]. (Mgr. Peter usually likes to)

Black – This is sometimes worn on All Souls’ Day and Masses for the Dead.

Gold – This is interchangeable with the liturgical colors green, red, or white only.