Address of Rev. Dr. Graham McWilliams to St. Mary’s Parish, 22.01.22
I have left Dr. McWilliams’s text unedited both as to content and as to format. I commend it to everyone’s careful and discerned reflection under the guidance of the Spirit. I record once more my deep gratitude to him for taking the time to prepare and deliver so well his...
Synodal Event, 12th February 2022
The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland (BCOS) hosts ‘Synodality in the Life & Mission of the Church’ at 2pm on Saturday 12 February. The keynote speaker will be Cardinal Mario Grech, General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops. This online event will be streamed on the BCOS YouTube channel at
Call to Prayer from Pope Francis
Call to Prayer from Pope Francis, on 12 January 2022. Please say this prayer and disseminate as widely as you can. Fr. Peter “Eternal Father, You have made the whole world stop walking for a while. You have forcibly silenced the noise that we have all created around us. ...
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