Justice and Peace, Scotland: a committee of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland
Below you will find the two resources made available to us by Justice and Peace Scotland for the celebration of Justice and Peace Day on the Feast of the Epiphany.
Christmas Novena, 25.12.20: Day Nine
Day Nine: The Birth of Jesus in the Stable of Bethlehem ThoughtWhen the edict was issued by the emperor of Rome that everyone should go to his own city to be enrolled, Joseph and Mary went to be enrolled in Bethlehem. How much the Holy Virgin must have suffered on...
Christmas Novena, 24.12.20: Day Eight
Day Eight: The Life of the Child Jesus in Egypt and in Nazareth ThoughtOur Blessed Redeemer spent the first part of His childhood in Egypt, leading there for several years a life of poverty and humiliation. In that land Joseph and Mary were foreigners and strangers, having there neither relatives...
Christmas Novena, 23.12.20: Day Seven
Day Seven: Flight of the Child Jesus into Egypt ThoughtAlthough the Son of God came from heaven to save men, scarcely was He born when men began to persecute Him to death. Herod, fearing that this Child would deprive Him of his kingdom, seeks to destroy His life. But St....
Christmas Novena, 22.12.20: Day Six
Day Six: God’s Mercy Revealed in His Coming down from Heaven to Save Us ThoughtSaint Paul says, ‘The goodness and kindness of God, our Savior, has appeared.’ When the Son of God made Man appear on earth, then was it seen how great is God’s goodness towards us. Saint Bernard...
Some reading material
https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2021/12/linguistic-violence https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2021/12/incarnation-transcends-myth https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2021/12/the-politics-of-scapegoating https://www.firstthings.com/article/2022/01/antifascists-after-fascism https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2007/04/religion-and-the-common-good https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2021/12/the-vaticans-unread-newspaper-and-the-us-bishops
Hints for Preparing for the Synod at Home
SYNOD MATERIAL BOOKLET: I am delighted that we ran out of copies last week in Largs! There are more copies at the back of both our churches this week. The booklet contains the “information for participants” in the Synod, which the Diocese has put together, plus the “Synod Questions” provided...
Christmas Novena, 21.12.20: Day Five
Day Five: The Life of Sorrow which Jesus Led from His Birth ThoughtJesus Christ could have saved mankind without suffering and dying. Yet, in order to prove to us how much He loved us, He chose for Himself a life full of tribulations. Therefore the prophet Isaias called Him ‘a...