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Forthcoming Religious Broadcasts on TV

  1. Archbishop Cushley will be the celebrant of a Mass which will be broadcast from St. James Parish in St. Andrew’s on Sunday (30 May) at 12 noon on the BBC Scotland channel The broadcast can be viewed on the channels listed here and subsequently on iPlayer.

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    Freeview & YouView 108 9
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  2. On Friday 31 May the Pope will lead the Rosary from the Vatican Gardens, as a conclusion to his call for the month of May to be dedicated to a “marathon” of prayer, to ask for the end of the pandemic, and for the resumption of social and work activities. The Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, is organising the event, which will be broadcast globally and will include live coverage from over 30 Marian Shrines around the world. For the first time in such a broadcast, (thanks to the intervention of Mgr. Graham Bell of Paisley) live pictures will be sent via satellite from Carfin. I have arranged for STV to broadcast these pictures to Vatican Television over the course of the 1hr 30min broadcast. The Transmission Start time is 17.45 Rome time, the expected end 19.15 Rome time. (16.45 – 18.15 GMT) The broadcast can be viewed on EWTN, TELEPACE or by live streaming at: WWW.VATICANNEWS.VA
  1. The National Prayer Breakfast for Scotland will be held on Wednesday 2 June from 08.00 to be followed by a National Day of Prayer at 09.00. These will be “virtual” events involving video contributions from several Christian denominations and groups. At 3.00pm a Song for the Nation will be shown which will include choristers from the Paisley Diocesan Choir and at 3.05pm a 25-minute video on the Catholic Church in Scotland will be shown. The live stream can be viewed here: