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Thursday Agape time-line

THURSDAY AGAPE: Please remember to “tune in” via live-stream, even for a few minutes, to our weekly appointment of Thursday Agape from 6.30pm-8pm. The idea is to INTERRUPT your normal schedule deliberately to take a moment or more to say to Jesus very directly and sincerely, “Jesus, I love you. I agape-love you = I love you in a self-sacrificing way.” If we all do this in our parishes, even if we can’t join the live-stream, we create a wave of love which rises to the Lord and returns back down upon us and across our locality. It will bring only good to everyone, especially at this difficult time. It may bring healing, peace, conversion of heart and so much more. What is certain is that the Lord will repay our parishes more than a thousand-fold. So, come on, everyone, let’s detach for a few moments from whatever we are doing and AGAPE-LOVE THE LORD! The Agape time is distributed thus:

1] Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 6.30pm, with silent prayer until 6.45pm.

2] Evening Prayer of the Church [leaflet link on this home-page “Upcoming Events”], 6.45pm-7pm.

3] Four short Scripture texts with questions for silent reflection, distributed across the period 7pm-7.30pm.

4] Rosary and Litany, 7.30pm-8pm.

5] Simple blessing with the Blessed Sacrament, 8pm.