The website which contains the basic resources for this Year’s Season of Creation is:
There is also a short video from the Holy Father encouraging us to take an active part in the Season of Creation:
The Columban Missionary Fathers have also provided the following:
Columban video:
Columban podcasts: https:// JubileePodcast
Here is the link to Pope Francis’ Encyclical, “Laudato Si'” which in some ways provides the most recent update to a growing strain of the social doctrine of the Church on the question of our responsibility for the environment:
The Encyclical is rather long, but wikipedia offers a useful summary of its contents and of its impact:
You may also find this link useful to break the Encyclical down as a way of more easily understanding it:
2020 marks the 5th anniversary of this Encyclical and the Vatican has established this year as a Special Anniversary Year. Although the initiatives associated with this specifically Catholic event are often parallel or similar to events being undertaken across the Christian world, it is easy to see how it feeds into, and draws from, the Season of Creation.
There is a website specifically dedicated to this anniversary year:
A central theme to the Pope’s encyclical is the matter of “ecological conversion.” In the following article, he explains his own ecological conversion: