When is the Pope most powerful?

  WHEN IS THE POPE MOST POWERFUL? (Matthew 16:13-20) A triumphalistic view of the papacy revels in today’s Gospel reading as if the Pope were a God on earth, with exclusive authority in matters spiritual, infallible in all his utterances and never to be challenged or contradicted. This view of...

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How does YOUR Magnificat go?

  HOW DOES YOUR MAGNIFICAT GO? Luke 1:39-56 Mary’s Magnificat is a prayer and song (“canticle”) we have all known and loved, and sung, since our early years. It is so positive, so full of thanksgiving and praise, so uplifting, so learned, so inspired and inspiring, so filled with hope,...

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Confidence in Jesus

  CONFIDENCE IN JESUS (Romans 8:35,37-39) “Nothing can come between us and the love of Christ.” These words are spoken by St. Paul in today’s second reading. What we need to remember is that Paul considered himself the worst of all sinners at the time Jesus appeared to him on...

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The Extreme Charity of St. Paul

  THE EXTREME CHARITY OF ST. PAUL (Romans 8:35,37-39) In the second reading of today’s Mass, the Church continues to have us read, and hear, from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans. We have left behind the wonderful, comforting and inspiring chapter 8 of recent weeks, and are...

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Test and Trace

  TEST & TRACE (Matthew 13:44-52) I like this anti-Covid jingle! It’s not only an effective tool in fighting the virus but could be used in many another context. To test is not just, of course, to stick a thermometer under your tongue to reveal your temperature. Nor is to...

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Roots and Shoots

ROOTS AND SHOOTS (Matthew 13:24-30) No matter how good an education or upbringing we receive, we will make our mistakes – sometimes catastrophic ones. But, be careful. One thing is a mistake, something done inadvertently. Another is a sin, done deliberately. Sin is the real catastrophe. One of our baptismal...

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