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Message from Monsignor Magee, 18.03.2020


Dear Brothers and Sisters

In line with the Letter of the Bishops of Scotland, public Mass in our parishes of Largs and Millport will be suspended after the 10am celebration of Mass in Millport tomorrow, the Solemnity of Saint Joseph. We will have to then await further word from the Bishops as to when public Liturgy can recommence.

I realise this will, on the one hand, be a relief to you since it reduces the risk of contracting the coronavirus. On the other hand, I also realise that you will sorely miss the spiritual comfort and sustenance which come from being physically present at Mass and from receiving the Most Holy Eucharist.

In light of this dramatic change in our parish life, I have made the following provisions:

  1. I will continue to say daily Mass but only at 10am from Monday to Friday in St. Mary’s, Largs.
  2. On Saturday, I will celebrate Mass at 10am and at 6pm in Largs.
  3. On Sunday, I will celebrate Mass at 10am only in Largs.
  4. A technician is currently working on setting up the possibility for parishioners to “tune in” to Mass in St. Mary’s at the times listed above. Details on how to access the YouTube channel will be provided in due course, hopefully no later than by the middle of next week.
  5. The church will be locked during Mass, but will be left open during the day for private visits.
  6. Outside of Mass times, I will expose the Blessed Sacrament on a permanent basis so that people can come and enter into spiritual communion with the Lord in the church or can, via YouTube, observe a few minutes of prayer before going to bed or at some other time during the day or night. The Lord kept constant vigil over his people on their hazardous journey through the desert. He will keep vigil over us during this equally hazardous time.
  7. I will be available for individual confession at 10.30am every day and also at 4pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Should anyone wish to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at the church, they can also come at these times. If anyone needs confession or anointing outside of these times, I will do my best to be available for you.

Anyone who is housebound and in need of the sacraments need only get in touch. I will have to observe the hygiene protocols set in place by the experts.

I will provide further updates and clarifications as requested or as necessary in the days and, God help us, weeks ahead.

Be assured of my constant prayers for you and for your loved ones, especially the most vulnerable. I bring you all in my heart to the Lord and to his Blessed Mother in prayer.

With my blessing,

Mgr. Peter Magee