Ecumenical Service, Wednesday of Holy Week: The Crisis of the Cross
The theme I have chosen for our worship this evening is the crisis of the Cross. By this I mean three different but related things. Firstly, the Cross is the occasion of the greatest crisis in history. Secondly and consequently, the Cross puts humanity in crisis. Thirdly, the Cross is...
Easter, 2019: They arrived too late
They arrived too late. The stone had already been rolled away. The cloths on his body had already been cast aside. He had already gone. The Resurrection of Jesus, the most important event in history, the event that takes history beyond history and into the realm of the divine, was...
Good Friday, 2019: Nearer, my God, to Thee
“Near the Cross of Jesus stood his mother.” Once upon a time, she had been nearer still to him: when he was in her womb, when he was in the crib. But those former nearnesses did not yet have the depth and maturity of her nearness to the Cross. In...
Holy Thursday, 2019: For us and for our salvation
The truth about Christmas emerges in its fullness in the three holiest days ofthe year, the Sacred Triduum, which begin today with Holy Thursday. In theCreed we profess that the Son of God came down from heaven and took fleshof the Virgin for us and for our salvation. What is...
Palm Sunday, Year C, 14.04.19: Palms Evergreen
I always remember as a boy finding it difficult to make a Cross out of the palm yougot on Palm Sunday. I also remember how quickly the palm placed behind thecrucifix at home went from green to that faded, dried-up, yellowish colour. By thetime Palm Sunday came around again the...
5th Sunday of Lent, Year C, 07.04.19: Mercy makes all things new
We don’t hear what happened to the woman in the Gospel after her encounter with Jesus. I think it likely that her life would never be the same again. Whatever the reason for the way she had been living before, her reason for living from then on was Jesus. He...