Prayer Against Storms, 21.01.25
Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace. God became man, and the Word was made flesh. Christ was born of a Virgin. Christ suffered. Christ was crucified. Christ died. Christ rose from the dead. Christ ascended into Heaven. Christ conquers. Christ reigns. Christ orders. May Christ protect...
Transition from life to Life: funeral homily for Mrs. Gloria McMahon, 17.01.25
Joe and I had a lovely conversation last week about Gloria and himself. Rather than a formal eulogy, Joe asked me just to tell you what he said, so I am happy to do that. Gloria Belli worked with the Castelvecchi’s at the moorings, in the bakery. Then she worked...
Witness to hope: Funeral homily for Margaret Drage MacMillan, RIP, 14.01.25
Margaret’s many remarkable qualities and abilities remind me of some of those spectacular mosaics you see in both ancient and modern buildings. The colours and proportions of the mosaic emphasize its more salient features but require that you stand back to take in the whole. Any fair hearing of the...