Christ the King, Year C, 24.11.19: Paradise Regained
The Gospel of the “Good Thief” today places us squarely on Calvary. I’ve always noticed as a priest that the numbers who attend Good Friday services are considerably higher than those who attend the Easter Vigil. Some say it is “Catholic guilt”! But I think it’s because the Cross...
Sunday 33, Year C, 17.11.19: The Jesus Brand
If Jesus were trying to market his own brand, he would be an abject failure by current standards, at least if we take today’s Gospel at face value. “Buy into my name and you will be hated by all men!” “Buy my brand and you will be persecuted and...
Sunday 32, Year C, 10.11.19: Free in Christ
All that God has ever wanted for us is that we be free. His laws and teachings are given to us, not to hamper our freedom, but to guarantee its fulfilment. And its fulfilment is to be like God, with God and in God. The real enemy of freedom...
Sunday 31, Year C: 03.11.19 – Today!
The name Jericho means “fragrant.” And, in fact, at the time of Jesus, there was in Jericho a very lucrative business in the production and export of balsam. This means that Zacchaeus, one of the chief tax collectors, will have been an important and wealthy figure. Even so, he...