24th Sunday, Year C, 15.09.19: Only sinners may enter here!
“The tax collectors and the sinners were all seeking the company of Jesus.” What hope that line gives us! To sin is to leave the company of Jesus or to refuse to seek it again. To repent is to return to close companionship with him, to seek his company...
23rd Sunday, Year C, 08.09.19: Costing not less than everything
When I was first ordained a priest, I was sent to St. Teresa’s Church in Dumfries. As you know, Dumfries is the hub of the universe! I.e., not a lot happens in Dumfries! Don’t tell anyone from Dumfries I said that! Dumfries was at first a bit of a...
22nd Year C, 01.09.19: our humble God
Imagine you are hosting a dinner and one of your guests starts lecturing the other guests on how to behave; or says to you that your motive for having the dinner is only so that you can be invited back. It would be rude! But that’s precisely what Jesus...