7th Sunday, Year C, 24.02.19: After God’s own heart
David has to be one of the most attractive personalities of the whole Bible. When the prophet Samuel was sent to anoint a new king of Israel, David was not even considered a possibility by his father Jesse. He was the youngest, a shepherd. But Samuel insisted that Jesse call...
6th Sunday, Year C: Good sowing, better reaping
Well, I had a lovely break in Alicante with some priest friends. Plenty of sunshine and good food, although in the shade it could be chilly! Alicante has a lot of history and much of it is centred around St. Barbara’s castle and fortress, parts of which go back...
Fourth Sunday of the Year: Opposition to Christ
The people of Nazareth thought of themselves as faithful Jews. But when Jesus tells them that their faith is lacking they get so angry that they want to lynch him. Why would Jesus appear to provoke them so? We perhaps get a clue from the remark made by one of...