Something to read, 31.10.22
There have been 10 million abortions in the UK since 1967 and 43 million abortions in the US from Roe-Wade (1973) to 2021. WHO says that around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year. WHO calls abortion a “common health intervention.” It says that six out of ten...
The Pharisee in today’s parable is wrapped up in himself. Jesus even portrays him as saying his prayer to himself. He was so grand in his own eyes that God couldn’t get a look in. He had become his own god. It’s so easy to make religion, and even...
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The Amalekites would have defeated Israel if Moses had not kept on praying and if those with him had not kept supporting him. Our real enemies are not flesh and blood, St. Paul tells us, but the spiritual forces of evil. We experience their power and onslaught every day. Jesus...