Call to Prayer: Sunday 31st January 2021 Prayer @ 7pm
The remembering of the past is an integral part of what it is to be human. In our remembering, we recall the persons and the events that have shaped us and made us who we are. In the act of remembering, we often seek to make sense of and come to terms with the past. In the depths of our remembering, we acknowledge and lament loss. At this particular time, we are profoundly conscious of the depth of loss within the communities and nation of which we are a part.
In the Book of Psalms, the Psalmist affirms that God ‘remembers’ and that, in particular, God remembers the covenant made with the people of God. The One who forges a relationship with the people of God, is the One who remembers the covenant forever. (Psalm 111: 5) In our remembering, we recall the One who remembers us and does not forget all that we endure in these hard times. We pray:
God who remembers,
Be with us in our remembering this day. Be with us on the journey
That takes us from the past
And into the future that lies before us. Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
God who remembers,
Be with us in our remembering this day.
Be with as we recall those who have shaped us And the events that have made us.
Grant to us grace and healing in all we recall. Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
God who remembers,
Be with us in our remembering this day. Be with us in sorrow and in loss
And come beside all who mourn this day. Come beside us and do not leave us. Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
God who remembers,
Be with us in our remembering this day.
Be with those who serve in hospitals and in homes And who, by their medical and nursing skills, Provide comfort and hope to those who suffer. Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
God who remembers,
Be with us in our remembering this day.
Be with us as community and nation
And strengthen us in all we endure.
Even in the darkness, may we find your light renewed through Jesus Christ. Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.