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St. Mary, Star of stars

NASA tells us that on a clear, dark night our eyes can see about 6,000 or so stars in the sky. They seem to twinkle, but in fact they are shining steadily all the time. The twinkling is caused by turbulence in the earth’s atmosphere which causes the starlight to bend as it travels towards our eyes.

NASA also tells us that a star in the night sky called Deneb is the brightest one we can see. It’s apparently 100,000 times brighter than the sun.

But, of course, we don’t just have stars in the sky. We have pop stars, football stars and film stars. We also have, in a different class, saint stars. A star is someone who shines as an example, who shows us how it should be done. There is no greater saint star than Mary, Star of the Sea.

If we can’t see her light at times, it’s because of turbulence, not just in the atmosphere but in the waters and storms of life. But she is steadily shining all the time.

We find her today at a wedding along with Jesus and his disciples. She is always present to those married, to their love and difficulties, and especially to their families. Her advice to them, and to all of us, is no different to the advice she gave the servants in the Gospel: “do whatever he tells you.” She herself is proof that whoever follows her advice will also shine like a star in heaven.

And for those whose marriages experience widowhood or separation of other kinds, the Star of the Sea shines with special force to draw you into the consolation of the grace of her Son.

My fervent prayer for our parish of St. Mary, Star of the Sea, is that today, on the Solemnity we dedicate to her, her light may shine through the windows of every home, no matter how things are, to attract all hearts to Jesus Christ, to bring peace to all who are troubled, solace to all who are lonely, reassurance to all who are scared, healing to all who are ill, and her warm and beautiful Mother’s love to one and all.