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Ecumenical Prayer, Sunday 27.09.20

CALL TO PRAYER: SUNDAY 27th September 2020

Prayer @ 7pm

For the second occasion, in the course of a journey that was now set to be much longer than originally anticipated, the people of Israel complain to Moses. At the heart of the complaint is the question: ‘Is the Lord among us or not?’ The first occasion is recorded in Exodus 16 where ‘bread from heaven’ is provided by the Lord in response to that complaint. Now, as the journey is set to continue for a longer period, a complaint is raised again. In response, the Lord calls Moses to go ‘ahead of the people’ and lead them to the place of renewed provision. In response, Moses leads the people of Israel to the place where water is provided in the wilderness. (Exodus 17: 1-7).

For the second occasion, in the course of a journey that is now set to be much longer than originally anticipated, we are being asked as the people of God to share, in the communities of which we are a part, a renewed challenge in relation to the Covid 19 crisis. We are not where we wanted to be on the journey and we cannot go back to where we started. At this time, the question we might well ask is this: ‘Is the Lord among us or not?’ As we go forward together, we ask that the Lord will lead us to the place of renewed provision, so that we can say, humbly and with thanksgiving: ‘Yes, the Lord is among us!’ We pray:

Living God,

We journey in hard places today

And in the company of many who are weary and fearful.

We journey in hard places

And we confess that we are weary and fearful ourselves.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.


Living God,

As you have heard our cry in times past,

Hear our cry renewed.

As you have provided for your people in times past,

Renew your provision today.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.

Living God,

You have watched over us

And brought us safe thus far.

You watch over us now

And we trust that you shall lead us to the place of safety renewed.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.


Living God,

In our remembering of the journey past,

We do not forget those who are no longer with us.

In our remembering of the journey past,

We do not forget the depth of the challenges we have faced.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.


Living God,

Go before us we ask

And lead us to the place of your presence.

Go before us

And bring us to the place where your presence is renewed.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.


Lord God,

In our journey onwards,

May we know that you are among us.

At journey’s end,

May we know that you have always been with us.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.