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Act of Consecration of our Parishes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 01.06.20

In this month traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I warmly encourage all parishioners to consecrate themselves, their families, etc., to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I will offer a series of “consecration” formulae you can use or choose from. The Sacred Heart of Jesus sums up in one image all of the supremely loving things which combine the divine and the human love of Jesus the Son of God for us poor human beings: divine mercy, love, tenderness, compassion, understanding. Devotion to the Sacred Heart inspires trust, confidence, hope and joy. No matter how broken, low, unworthy, alone, desperate, afraid, guilty or plain old rotten someone may feel, the very thought of the Sacred Heart of Jesus opens a door, brings light, lifts the spirit and heralds a return to peace and joy. Open your heart to Him and experience the power of his eternal love for you! – Fr. Peter

At the end of each Mass in June, I will pray the following prayer for both our parishes that we may all be consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with deep sincerity, joy and commitment! But you can pray it any time: I encourage you to pray it every day if you can, as an act of love for your parish!


After Communion the following Prayer is offered (before the picture of the Divine Mercy):

Let us pray:

Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the world,
look on us as we come before you.
We are yours and we wish to remain so
and we freely consecrate ourselves to your Sacred Heart.

Have mercy on all people, especially those in need of knowing your compassionate and merciful love. Be the inspiration and strength of the faithful and of those who have given up hope. May they know they are welcome in their Father’s house.

Be reconciler of those who live in discord; soften the hearts of those
who have hardened themselves to others; give hope to those who are lost; bring joy to any who live in torment of mind.

Bring those who worship here, together with the whole world,
to cry with one voice: Praise to the Divine Compassion which brought about our salvation.

To your Sacred Heart be honour and glory forever.
