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Prayer Leaflet for Sunday, 20.03.20


The weekly bulletin is available as usual at the back of the church. There are 100 copies in Largs and 25 in Millport. Please take only one per household. As usual, the bulletin is also on the website.

Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen has also provided a Prayer Leaflet for Sundays which can be used by families to pray at home, in the absence of Mass. It is attached here. I have left 100 copies at the back of the Church in Largs. I am trying to get someone in Millport to print some out for over there.

Please remember that the parish churches are open on Sunday. In Millport from 9am and in Largs from about 10.45am. It is open later in Largs because I do not want to open before I have said Mass at 10am, which must be said privately. I invite everyone who can to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament in the church during the day and to perform an act of spiritual communion with the Holy Eucharist (cf. prayer of St. Alphonsus on the Prayer Leaflet).

Mgr. Peter, 20.03.20