17th Sunday, Year C, 28.07.19: A trillion suns
Just imagine the Apostles watching Jesus at prayer. It must have drawn their hearts deeply to the mystery of his Person. Jesus prayed often, for long periods, sometimes for the whole night. Together with his teaching, his miracles and just the way he was as a man, his prayer...
16th Sunday, Year C, 21.07.19: Top Priority
You’ve just got to love Martha! You can picture her standing there at the door of her house with open arms to welcome Jesus. I imagine her to be five-foot tall, on the plumpish side, of lively eyes and always on the go. I’m sure Jesus will have loved being...
15th Sunday of the Year, 14.07.19: Mules of redemption
Jesus outwits the lawyer in today’s Gospel who asks him two questions to trip him up. The first is, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus turns the question back on him: you’re the lawyer, answer your own question from what the law says. The lawyer does...
14th Sunday, Year C, 07.07.19: Clash of wills
No wonder the labourers for the harvest are so few if they are to be devoured like lambs by wolves! Nor does the prospect of being opposed and rejected exactly sound attractive! Yes, there would also be men of peace who would accept them, but Jesus’ forecast looked bad for...